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If You need Me

If you need me
take these golden crumbs
to mark the path with
something I'd recognise

If you need me
walk down the forest path
and my shadow
will kiss you in the dark

If you need me
open the door that's not here,
it's never been built
yet it's waiting for me

just turn the handle
you're the only one
who can take it
and look straight at the sun

I'm a bandage for your wounded dream
placebo soothing pointless fire
I'm never really what I seem
but I'm always all that you require

If you need me, I will be there
for you

If you need me
excuse the everyday
for being boring
there is another way

than just counting
hours that have to pass
love is a dew drop
glistening in the grass

If you need me
take these golden crumbs
to mark the path with
something I'd recognise

the world we're sharing
is freedom behind bars
where love is mercy
cut by a blade of grass

You've healed all my wounded dreams
but that isn't all that I require
nothing's ever what it seems 
when our hearts are dancing in the fire.

If you need me, I will be there 
for you